Since every company which uses FGS is unique in at least some ways, each FGS implementation has its own unique aspects as well. |
E/Step Software provides a variety of services designed to have you up and running FGS comfortably and swiftly. Since FGS is fundamentally a tool that enables you to learn more about your particular business, a common thread through each of these approaches is education. The more you learn about your business, about the science of forecasting and inventory planning, and also about FGS, the more productive FGS will be for you. By productive we mean more accurate forecasts and higher customer service, with lower inventory and expediting.
In the early days of an ERP system? Don't wait! Start your Forecasting implementation now. Use the data from your legacy systems and improve your forecasts now. Your implementation will pay off quickly and may finance the remainder of your ERP system's implementation! When your ERP system is up, your forecasts will already be mature and you'll hit the ground running. |
Ready to get started? Choose the approach that's best for your company.
Send us the required data. We'll implement and run FGS for you using our management services. We send you periodic reports and data files. We educate you so you can provide data and interpret the results.
Send us your data and we'll implement FGS for you using our consulting services. License the software and send your users to our training workshops. By the time your users are ready, your FGS database will be ready, too.
ERP system is not providing the promised results? Often the source of poor ERP system results is bad forecasts and improper inventory targets. Integrating FGS with your current ERP system can cure these problems, and doing so requires just a tiny fraction of the cost and effort to replace your ERP system. |
License the software and send your users to training workshops. At the appropriate time our experienced consultants will work with you (on- or off-site) to make your FGS implementation faster and better.
License the software and send your users to training workshops. Perform your own implementation with assistance from E/Step Software's FGS Technical Support help desk.